Finding the King Within – A New Book About The Inner King

My book on Kingship, Finding the King Within: How to Access and Embody the Power, Authority and Leadership of Your Inner King Archetype is now available. This is a follow up to my original work, Warrior Magician Lover King: A Guide to the Male Archetypes Updated for the 21st Century.

The two books complement each other, but this new book focuses in much more detail on the Inner King archetype and how we may embrace his energy to become the fullest and most mature version of masculinity we can. The way I see things, the qualities which the world needs most right now is the power, authority and leadership of emotionally mature men. That is, I believe, what will, in the end , save us all.  To be more precise:

Male power needs to be expressed compassionately and with wisdom in our own families, in our own circles, and in society at large. This male power can be a force for good or a force for tyranny; we can embrace it fully or we can abdicate our responsibility  to the society into which we were born. But only when we embrace our sovereign energy and become the fullest expression of our own King Within do we serve the world as men are truly meant to.

Authority refers to the inherent authority of the Inner King  which means knowing what is right and what is not right, and being able to follow a path which makes clear our commitment to what is right. Sure, sometimes we may have difficulty discerning what is right in any set of circumstances, but there are ways that we can employ the other archetypal energies within our psyche to help our King Within decide which path to follow. Authority is then expressed not only  in making the right decision about what to do, but knowing how to do it, and then following through with appropriate action.

As for leadership, a mature man is not only a compassionate and clear leader in his own life, but a leader in his family, and a leader in wider society. You can read more in my book, available now from Amazon.

Discover Your Archetypes and Explore the Shadow In You!