Category Archives: The King Within

Finding The King Within (Part 3)

Life Coaching and Sovereign Energy

Life coaching is a good way to lead a man to his Kingship so he can discover all the qualities and values listed here before it is too late.

Mission and Vision are powerful areas where life coaching using the archetypal model can really help you develop the parts of yourself which are not currently showing themselves.

You can probably see how the King’s vision for the realm provides direction and purpose for everyone in his Kingdom. He is planning for the welfare of the kingdom to come – not just for the current generation, but for generations to come. 

If you have a grandfather or grandmother whom you respect for what s/he did, perhaps for what they laid down as the foundations of your family, or their foresight in supporting future generations – perhaps including your generation – then you’ll probably understand what I’m talking about.

So, do you, as King, have a vision for your own life? Do you have a plan for what you want to achieve this year? Next year? In five years’ time? In 10 years’ time? Do you know what you want to leave behind on this planet when you die?

Having a vision which includes all of those things is the first step in finding purpose and direction in your life.

In my experience very few men understand the power of vision in providing drive, impetus and energy to their lives. And even when men do have a vision of how their future could be, even fewer seem to have the power and potency to bring that vision into being as a reality.

Videos – Vision, Mission and Purpose

Personal Growth and Development, Sovereign Energy, and Mission

This is an area where personal coaching can have a massive effect. Working alongside an experienced coach can allow you to find the Sovereign energy inside yourself, and help you bring it to the world with a clear vision.

Over the years, I’ve attended many seminars by the likes of Anthony Robbins, Jack Canfield and Jack Black. Judging by the people I’ve met there, and what they say, it seems to me that only around 3% to 5% of any human population have Sovereign energy to any significant degree, or use Sovereign energy in their lives in a constructive way.

This is an absolute tragedy for the world. We all have power and potency, but it lies hidden in most people. Life coaching is desperately needed to bring it our – after all, compassionate but strong King and Queen energy is what the world needs most right now: you can read about these archetypes in my book Warrior Magician Lover King: A Guide To the Male Archetypes Updated For The 21st Century.

In truth, as children most of us are not brought up in a way which encourages the development of a strong self-esteem, or the expression of a sense of power, or an appreciation of the simple reality that our Sovereign energy can allow us to get everything we want in the world. This is explained in my book about the male archetypes.

Sure, for many people, simply coping with the demands of life is as much as they can cope with. But I want to be really clear about this. I don’t believe any of us lack Sovereign energy. There’s a wonderful expression used in the world of self-development as an affirmation: “All I need is within me now”. 

I absolutely believe this to be true. Sure, that energy  may need accessing. It may need bringing to life. It may need work before it is expressed.

But until that happens, few of us will be comfortable with standing in our sovereign energy and using it in the world.

Many men whom I’ve coached have found that the development of Sovereign energy can be a slow process. No surprise there! The world does not generally encourage Sovereigns!

Fortunately, you can work on this while getting support from the people around you. I, and other life coaches who work with these archetypal concepts, can bring you into a fuller connection with your innate power, wisdom and leadership. This is the unique value of archetypal coaching.

Perhaps the first step in fully embracing your own Sovereign energy is having a vision of how the world and your life might look if you were standing in your own Sovereign energy.

Having a vision of how your life would look if, in fact, you had easy access to your Sovereign energy, and a full appreciation of your Sovereign qualities. This is one of many things which Archetypal Coaching can do for you.

Finding The King Within (Part 2)

But just what is the King’s archetypal energy?

You can understand more clearly the nature of King energy by thinking of the modern dysfunctional family where there’s an immature, weak, or absent father, or where leadership and King energy is lacking. Then, there is often chaos and confusion. The same is true of any business or enterprise where there is no strong leader.

And while the King is required to be a strong character, he need not be frightening: he can look upon the world with a firm and kindly eye. He can adopt a compassionate approach to others as he seeks out the truths which will guide him, and allow him to nurture others towards their own fullness of being. He is, in fact, a heart centred leader.

Sovereign energy also embodies authority and discernment. You see, being a King isn’t just about leadership. Kings do what is necessary to maintain harmony and order and protect their kingdoms.

So the King archetype also incorporates and allows the expression of the Warrior’s energy.

Podcast – Rod Boothroyd

This represents the aggressive force that a King might bring to whatever circumstances require it, perhaps when there is a threat to good order or safety in the Kingdom.

The power of deep authority lies in the King archetype. This is authority which has not been gifted on a King but which exists within him, within the individual King, at the deepest level of his being.

Another aspect of the Sovereign is that he knows what is needed. He can discern which course of action is required in any set of circumstances. And this is where the King accesses his Magician archetype and then acts with the support of his Magician’s deep knowledge of what is needed.

Podcast – Magician energy

When harmony is restored and the kingdom is running well, the King delights in his own humanity and in the humanity of his citizens. His Lover archetype shows this delight through the intimacy and connection he establishes with others in his realm.

All of this energy is naturally expressed as it flows through a man when he is able to take the necessary financial, emotional, psychological and practical steps to ensure his kingdom is prospering.

It’s the energy which allows his wife and children to feel safe and protected, so they can prosper in their own exploration of life and discover what life can offer them.

It’s the energy which supports his family, or his business.

It’s the energy with which a man encourages his wife when she decides to start a business, or to get more qualifications and establish a career.

It’s the energy which expresses itself in fathering of sons or daughters, where time is devoted to their welfare and attention is given to their interests.

It’s the energy of leadership in a business, where rebellious subordinates or workers need to be confronted and encouraged to come back into line with Sovereign firmness rather than harshness.

It’s the energy of compassionate managers and supervisors who seek to guide others with firm clear support and encouragement.

It’s the energy which allows healers, counsellors, therapists, mentors and coaches to support clients in their recovery, and to empower and support them as they find their way back to their own pathway through life.

Sovereign energy is the energy that allows you to keep your cool when everybody else is losing theirs.

It’s something you can find in yourself when everyone else succumbs to chaos and struggle – a voice of calmness and reassurance.

King energy is the power within you which allows you to make clear decisions based on an understanding and wise discernment of what is necessary, decisions which cut through the mess in your family, your work, or even in your country.

And of course if you haven’t had much experience of King energy from your father, grandfather or schooling, you may need appreciate some personal coaching to support you as you find the Sovereign within yourself, bring that energy into the light, and develop it so it is a fundamental part of your life. 

This is far removed from traditional counselling or life coaching. It’s much more about a process of being with another King who can work with you to clear the blocks to the expression of your own King energy and coach you to be fully present in the world. So you can stand, loud and proud, as it were, in the embodiment of your King energy.

Perhaps, if our world leaders had enough Sovereign energy, this would empower them to clean up the mess in the world. Let us hope they can grow into that place! (Read more about leadership and sovereign energy here.)

You see, in its fullest form, Sovereign energy is the energy which works for peace and stability, good order, nurture and for all the people’s needs to be met.

And it’s not just an energy which seeks these things for individual men, women and children. It’s the energy which allows the King to care for his whole realm, and allows him to be the natural guardian of nature, of the environment, of the animals and plants in his kingdom.

The King’s voice affirms without fear, and with authority and a sense of justice, that we are all equal, and that we are all entitled to the same human rights.

This is an energy which focuses on the positive, which maximises praise, and which seeks to bring out the best in everybody.

Mission and Vision

The Sovereign is also the part of your personality which is responsible for vision and mission.

When I do life coaching work with men whose lives are chaotic, I generally find that they have neither a vision for their individual future, nor for the future of their own kingdom.

They may never have formed a picture of how their life could be, or how they want it to be. They generally have no goals and aspirations for the longer term, even if they do happen to have short-term goals. They may not be clear about what they stand for.

Most of all men who lack Sovereign energy do not know what they would like to leave behind on the Earth as their memorial or legacy when they die. (See The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying for some related information on this.)

Why does that matter? Simply this – a true King knows what he want to achieve before he dies.

Read Part 3 here.

The King Within (Part 1)

The King Archetype

This is the part of your personality which is responsible for leadership, vision, purpose and mission in your life.

When we talk about leadership in coaching sessions we’re not just talking about leadership in your own life, but also your leadership of the lives of others for whom you have some kind of responsibility. This could be your family, your employees, your colleagues, your friends, and so on.

In some sense every one of us is a leader. The qualities necessary for successful leadership include wisdom, discernment, balance, strength, good judgement, fairness, clarity of decision-making, and a concern for the long-term benefit of all the people who fall within your remit area of influence. To what extent do these need developing in you?

Then there’s mission. Do you have a life mission? Something that equates to a life purpose, a reason to get out of bed in the morning which is personally meaningful? Something you would regret not having done when you die? We can work together in forming your life mission, which may change over time. 

And do you have a vision for your life? A vision is necessary to plan your journey. It’s like a destination, a goal, a desired outcome. In fact, you can have a vision for every area of your life: financial, family, employment, work, leisure, home…. 

The value of having a vision for every area of your life lies in the power of having well formed goals: they are massively empowering and give motivation and purpose to our actions. Without a vision, you have no destination in life. Which raises the question – where is your journey taking you? Would coaching help?

Sovereign or Leader Energy and You

In the archetypal model which I use for coaching men and women, leadership, vision and mission are part of the Sovereign archetype.

The idea of archetypes is very useful, because they serve as a useful shorthand to describe different aspects of our personality. The Sovereign archetype, clearly, is all about leadership of your own Kingdom or Queendom, or, to put it another way, your realm.

But whether you call this archetypal energy the “leader” in your life or the “Sovereign” makes no difference, really. Our objective in coaching is to strengthen and develop this area of your personality so that you can fully embrace your innate power.

In coaching, I start from the belief that we are all born with unlimited potential and power. Yet, as we all know, life has an unfortunate habit of suppressing or diminishing our personal power. For one thing, we don’t truly celebrate leadership, magnificence, success or achievement in our culture. For another, few children are brought up in a way that encourages the expression of this Sovereign energy.

The great news is that if your leadership potential, your Sovereign, is not showing up fully in your life, archetypal coaching can bring it out in all its majesty, power, and shining brilliance. 

So I’d like to develop your understanding of these concepts by showing you a video which describes the functions and importance of the Sovereign archetype.

A Video to Introduce The Sovereign Archetype (also known as the Heart Centred Leader)

The Sovereign takes the form of King energy in men (read on below), and Queen energy in women (click here to read about the Queen archetype).

The most important qualities of your Sovereign archetype are leadership, vision, and mission. 

Good leadership means leadership with justice, discernment and wisdom, leadership for the benefit of the whole kingdom.

That kingdom may be your family, your business, your world, or even just your own mind, your own life.

Good leadership is essential for success in any enterprise, at any level, and so it has been throughout the history of the world.

Leadership provides clear direction to the people for whom the King is responsible.

Leadership provides a sense of security for the citizens of the realm. It provides reassurance that someone is on hand who has the power and ability to take charge in a crisis, and lead his or her people through to a better place.

Whether the kingdom you are leading is a community, a business, your family, or yourself, is irrelevant. The principle is always the same: a strong King or Queen who can stand in his or her power and hold the wounds of the realm is a Sovereign who people will look up to and admire.

A Book Which Explains Archetypes In Full

In this book, Rod Boothroyd describes and explains all the characteristics of the four main male archetypes of King Warrior Magician and Lover in a way suited for our times. You can buy his book from Amazon.

Why Is There So Little Sovereign Energy In The World?

Very few men and women develop their full potential for leadership or express their full power in the world. But even fewer have a vision for their lives or a mission, a sense of purpose in the world.

This is where Life Coaching can be very helpful to you: it will enable you to access your natural leadership, power and potency in the world, and it will show you where you may be blocked or limited in expressing this energy.

In turn, this will enable you to find your own personal vision and “mission” in the world.

A vision is essential – it is your destination, your objective, your goal. Without knowing where you are going, it hardly needs to be said, you are unlikely to end up in the right place!

Some people think of mission as the thing “you just have to do”, the reason you were put on the planet. Others see mission as an expression of who you truly are, the calling which will most powerfully express your natural gifts and talents – and, by the way, give you the greatest satisfaction.

But however you see it, all these qualities – leadership, vision and a sense of mission – are necessary to achieve the levels of success in life and business which you desire. 

Working with you, I will use some extremely effective life coaching techniques which will quickly help you understand your vision, mission and develop your leadership, both in your own life and more broadly in the world – in your own Kingdom. You will truly become the leader in your own life.

Using this very special coaching method of working with your archetypes, we will build up your Sovereign energy where it’s lacking, and bring out your full magnificence and power if that’s currently in shadow.

Truth is, it’s hard to imagine what the magnificence of a human being in his or her full power and potential looks like until you begin to experience it for yourself.

But whether you access your leadership all at once, or build it up bit by bit, you certainly can become the person you were always meant to be, the person you were born to be.

Video – The Sovereign Archetype 

Kings & Queens Come In Many Forms

Think of the King or Queen archetype as representing the leader within you, the manager, the director, the chief – whatever word you care to use. When you develop this archetype into its fullness you embrace the qualities essential for the well-being of your Kingdom or Queendom.

Some of the most important are leadership (obviously), wisdom, discernment, happiness, and offering a space in which other people can explore and express their potential.

Sovereign energy also means being able to maintain order, integration, and integrity. It means controlling extremes of behaviour and feelings. It embraces stability, calmness and centredness.

For Sovereign energy is a balancing energy which maintains peace and harmony, purpose and function.

In its most mature form, a woman or man’s Sovereign energy embodies the full potency and power of the sacred masculinity and femininity which resides within all of us. This is the central archetype, around which the rest of a your personality and your entire unconscious mind is organised.

And because your King archetype is your central archetype, a lack of King energy is destructive to your power and presence in the world.

Part 2 of this article can be found here.