King Warrior Magician Lover Archetypes

The male archetypes of King Warrior Magician and Lover are the archetypes of the mature masculine. 

Archetype is a word used to describe a pattern of thought, feeling or behaviour which is common to all men or women in the world. Carl Jung was the first modern psychologist to make the concept of archetypes mainstream. The whole idea of archetypal patterns and ways of being was later brought to wider attention by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette in 1992 in their book King Warrior Magician Lover.  A newer book (published 2018, updated 2021) on the masculine archetypes is Warrior Magician Lover King by Rod Boothroyd.

For anyone who hasn’t read this book, or wants to know what the idea of male archetypes means in everyday life, here’s a summary of the four main archetypes of the mature masculine. 

The King Archetype 

The archetype of the King is a symbolic representation of the ideal ruler or leader who possesses qualities such as wisdom, authority, power, and benevolence. The King archetype represents a figure who is responsible for the well-being and prosperity of his people and is expected to lead with integrity, honor, and a sense of purpose.

At the core of the King archetype is the idea of sovereignty, or the ability to make decisions and take actions that benefit the common good. A true King is not motivated by personal gain or ambition but rather by a desire to serve and protect his subjects. He embodies a sense of calm, stability, and order, and is able to inspire confidence and respect in those around him.

The King archetype is often associated with the father figure, as he is seen as the protector and provider of his people, much like a father is expected to be for his family. The archetype is also closely tied to the concept of leadership, as the King is seen as the ultimate authority figure who has the power to make decisions and enforce laws.

In popular culture and mythology, the King archetype is often represented by figures such as King Arthur, who led with honor and chivalry, or by characters like Simba in “The Lion King,” who learns to embrace his royal responsibilities and lead his community towards a brighter future.

The Warrior Archetype

The archetype of the Warrior is a powerful and enduring symbol that represents strength, courage, and bravery. The Warrior is often depicted as a fighter, protector, and defender, who is willing to risk their own safety for the greater good.

The Warrior archetype is not limited to physical strength alone but also includes mental and emotional fortitude. A Warrior possesses the ability to withstand challenges, persevere through hardships, and exhibit resilience in the face of adversity.

The Warrior archetype can be found in many cultures and societies throughout history. In some cases, Warriors were celebrated as heroes and were held in high esteem, while in others, they were seen as necessary but violent and feared.

Overall, the Warrior archetype is a symbol of bravery, strength, and resilience, and is often associated with noble values such as honor, loyalty, and self-sacrifice.

The Magician Archetype 

The archetype of the Magician is a symbolic representation of a person who has access to extraordinary powers and knowledge. Magicians are often portrayed as wise and mysterious figures who possess the ability to perform miracles, cast spells, and manipulate reality.

Magicians are known for their ability to transform themselves and the world around them through their understanding of the laws of nature and the power of their own will. They are often seen as powerful, charismatic, and knowledgeable individuals who have a deep understanding of the forces that govern the universe.

The Magician archetype is often associated with concepts such as creativity, intuition, and inspiration. Magicians are believed to have the ability to tap into the subconscious mind and draw forth ideas and insights that are hidden from ordinary awareness. They are also associated with the concept of transformation, as they are believed to be able to change reality through the use of their powers.

In popular culture, Magicians are often portrayed as enigmatic and charismatic figures, with a commanding presence and an air of mystery. They are often shown performing elaborate magic tricks and illusions, which serve to demonstrate their power and skill.

Overall, the Magician archetype embodies the potential for extraordinary power, knowledge, and transformation that lies within each of us. It serves as a reminder that we all have the ability to tap into our inner resources and achieve greatness, if we are willing to embrace our true potential and follow our own unique path.

The Lover Archetype 

The archetype of the Lover tends to be linked with a person who is passionate, sensual, and deeply connected to their emotions and desires. The Lover archetype is often associated with the pursuit of romantic love, but can also encompass a love of art, beauty, nature, or any other object of desire.

People with a strong Lover may feel intense joy and fulfillment when they are able to experience the object of their desire. They often prioritize their emotions over logic or reason and can become deeply invested in their relationships and pursuits.

At its best, the Lover archetype can inspire others with their passion and their ability to see the beauty and potential in everything. The Lover is able to connect deeply with others and experience a sense of union and oneness.

However, the Lover can also have a shadow side. When people with a strong Lover become too attached to their desires, they can become possessive, jealous, and even destructive. They may struggle with codependency or have difficulty setting boundaries in their relationships.

Overall, the Lover archetype represents the universal human desire for connection, intimacy, and fulfillment.

How To Be The Best….

This book will show you how to become the man you were always meant to be, so you can stand completely in your natural masculine power, authority and leadership.

This new, updated description of men’s archetypes will show you how these natural male energies can express themselves in a wholly balanced way. If you feel any area of your life – be it King, Warrior, Magician or Lover – is out of balance, this book will explain exactly what you need to do to bring all your energies back into alignment. That way you can be the mature, emotionally whole and fully present man you were always meant to be, a man who can offer his true gifts to the world, and stand fully in his Kingship.

Find out more or buy the book here. (UK sales)

For USA and rest of the world sales, click here.

The Archetype of The Queen

The archetype of the Queen is a powerful and regal feminine symbol that embodies leadership, authority, and wisdom. She is often depicted as a graceful and elegant figure who exudes confidence and composure, and commands respect and admiration from those around her.

The Queen archetype represents the pinnacle of feminine power and authority, and is often associated with qualities such as strength, intelligence, courage, and compassion. She is a natural leader who inspires others through her actions, and is able to guide her people towards a better future with her wisdom and insight.

At the same time, the Queen archetype is also seen as nurturing and compassionate, and is often depicted as a caretaker who looks after the needs of her people. She is able to balance the needs of the many with the needs of the few, and is able to create a sense of unity and belonging among her subjects.

Overall, the Queen archetype is a powerful and complex symbol that represents the best of what femininity has to offer. Whether as a historical figure, a fictional character, or a personal ideal, the queen archetype serves as a reminder of the strength, intelligence, and grace that all women are capable of embodying.

Video – what are the archetypes?

Archetypes are a universal, symbolic pattern or image that is present in the collective unconscious of all human beings. These archetypes are believed to be innate, inherited structures of the human psyche that organize and shape our thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

Archetypes are often represented in literature, myths, and art, and they are associated with certain universal themes and patterns of human experience, such as birth, death, rebirth, love, and power. For example, the archetype of the mother is associated with nurturing, protection, and unconditional love, while the archetype of the hero is associated with bravery, self-sacrifice, and overcoming challenges.

According to the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, the collective unconscious is made up of archetypes that are shared by all members of a culture or society. He believed that these archetypes serve as a kind of blueprint or template for human behavior, helping us to understand and navigate the world around us.

Archetypes function in human psychology by providing us with a kind of instinctual knowledge or intuition about how to respond to certain situations and experiences. They can also influence our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors, shaping our personalities and guiding us through life’s challenges and opportunities. Understanding our own personal relationship with archetypes can provide valuable insights into our own psychological makeup and help us to better understand and navigate our experiences in the world.

Video – Human Archetypes & Why They Matter

A word about shadow work

You might wonder what all this information about archetypes can do for us. First, it can help us understand our personality, the different ways we behave in different  circumstances, and – to put this simply – why we are the way we are, why we feel the way we feel, and why we think the way we think. That is potentially very useful, but of course it may not be enough for anyone with an interest in overcoming emotional trauma or adversity from the past.

And this is where “shadow work” can be the basis of a very effective and practical system of healing emotional wounds from the past. If you work with a well-trained shadow work facilitator, you can make rapid progress in what might be called the recovery of “the person you were always meant to be”. And this approach can be  much faster than conventional approaches to counselling and therapy. If you’d like to read more about this see for more information.

Discover Your Archetypes and Explore the Shadow In You!